Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A difficult parent

Yesterday, one parent just spoilt my night!

It is always her....since last year...she has been making me and my colleague's life difficult. You see...her son is in my CCA..and our CCA is a performing group which started to bloom last year. So imagine...many performances, late nights n stuff.

So last year...she bugged us about why her son is not back yet whereas we have already released all of them. She bugged us on why we have practices on that day or performance on that day etc whereas we have printed out our practice and performance schedule to all students for them to show to their parents. Yah..I know parents are concerned about their children...but I guess...the way parents approach teachers play a big role. Lagi lagi kita ni orang Melayu kan...ada peradabannya. Last year...she wun ask us nicely but accuse us of this n that...which got on my nerves many times. Other parents also called but they asked politely.

Yesterday was IT! I just couldnt take it anymore. She smsed me something which is very harsh and really got me angry.

"Cikgu, I understand from N CNY will have kinda of performance and need red shirt. Tolong lah cikgu just for one day performance, we parents have to hunt for dat red shirt n not cheap one shirt. Last minute inform to buy. How like dat? Dun quite like dis idea. Troublesome you know. Sori if my saying is rather offensive.."

Wat da hell! We informed the boys last week and we didnt even insist them to buy. What my colleague informed was for them to bring a red tshirt if they have one...if not they can borrow or whateva they seem fit to get hold of it. And on that day..NONE of the boys said that they will have problem getting it. And we also have our reasons...usually we only asked them to bring their own jeans as the costumes will be provided. But since the polo Ts do not go with the CNY concept..we decided to ask if they can bring a red TSHIRT of their own. NONE OF THEM OBJECTED. Furthermore, if u do have problem...just INFORM! But noooo...this student never inform anything and we are being accused by his mum that we inform him last minute...making things difficult. So I just couldnt take it anymore..I had to reply nastily as well. Orang tak beradab..buat pe nak sopan santun ngan dia kan.

"Fyi, we didnt inform last minute ok. We informed since last wk. Please get right info from ur son. Fine, u dun like it..dun buy. Furthermore, yg takde dan tak nak beli can always pinjam. Just take initiative. Nxt time find out the truth before making accusations. Thanks. Sori if offensive but I think I had enuff. Not fair of u to just accuse without knowing the truth."

I think...some teachers here will think...gila agaknya budak ni...melawan dengan parents...Parents are always right u know...They are like our CLIENTS...OUR STAKEHOLDERS!....Well...all I got to say is........MY FOOT!!!

She replied...and her reply made me lagik bingit...dah dasar rude giler.

"Yeap..last week. Do i think we always have $ to buy wen requested last wk. N understand his parents financial situation dat why he dun ask $ last wk. Can pinjam true enuff but from who wen not much people wearing those bright colour. I got d info last week but i have to wait for my payday in order to let him buy. Not everyone like u who have $ right all the time? I hope u paham?"

Excuse me....alasan...alasan. Kalau anak kau bilang kau last week...kenapa kau tak call last week instead..knapa baru semalam kau sms aku with all this nasty remarks? And macamana kau nak tahu ada orang have that tshirt or not kalau tak tanya kan? And...WHO ARE U TO SAY THAT I HAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME? KAU KASI AKU MAKAN KAPPA? Tak payah nak kurang ajar pe bebual! Geram sak.....

So it went on by her saying knaper tak bulk buy thus harga cheaper den students just need to pay the teacher bla bla bla. In the 1st place...kalau aku ni banyak duit..takyah aku nak mintak students bawak sendiri punya..tak yah jugak aku MEMINTA MINTA pihak sekolah aku yang lokek duit kalau pasal CCA aku yang tak go for SYF and win gold. AKU BOLEH BELIKAN DORANG LAH!! U dunno the state the CCA is in...the problem we are facing...den u want to just hemburkan kata2 yang tak patut dikatakan. I mean..kalau kau call..tanya mengapa...I would gladly explain why...and kalau u still dun agree...den we scrap the idea...I dun mind at all! Tapi ni tidak....datang dah tak bersalam...lepas tu nak cakap sebarang.

So alas..dah malas nak layan dia...I replied back...

"Pihak kami minta maaf kepada puan sekeluarga kerana menyusahkan selama ini. Kami bersikap pentingkan diri sendiri kerana tidak memikirkan keadaan puan yang tak seperti keluarga-keluarga lain (aku sindir dia tu...yelah..mcm keluarga kau sorang susah..I have boys who are leading a more susah life than that boy...n takde pun mak bapak dorang marah2 kita.) Saya pun malas nak jelaskan duduk perkara kerana puan pun tak nak dengar kan. Minta maaf sekali lagi."

I tot I wanted to call her terus..but since I was in a super damn angry state...I decided not to. Nanti habis lagik teruk dia kena...so better not...I dun want to lose it and behave disrespectfully either. She smsed me...ckp...

"CIkgu..apa cikgu ckp tu mcm menghina tau. Tak baik cikgu ckp begitu."

Aku bolayan. Menghina? In the 1st place...kau sms aku hamburkan kata2 yang tak sopan..lepas tu..hina aku dengan berkata...aku ni banyak duit so mestilah takde masalah....lepas tu kau kata aku yg menghina. WELL...U DESERVE IT!!! My person is...u nice to me..I nice to u...I have many many parents who called me for enquires and approached me nicely and I gladly cooperate walaupun it may be a complain or the parents not happy abt sumthing. Yang ni...dari tahun lepas buat perangai. I dun suck up to parents just because they are the clients/stakeholders of the school k...GET THAT IN UR HEAD!

Tak pernah I got so angry with a parent like this. Tak pernah pun menjawab ngan parent like this. But I guess..when one's limit is crossed...all hell breaks loose. I wish it can turn out better...but too bad. I of course dun feel good at doing or saying what I said..but i feel mcm she needs to get wat she deserve so she stops doing this to all teachers. Worse...kita sama2 Melayu...hormat lah sikit kat jiran sebelah menyebelah kan.